Every get the feeling of being hunted, persecuted, trapped, even robbed right out there on the highway?
By the very people that are supposed to be looking after you?
The lawmakers, the politicians, the ‘city fathers’, the police?
Yes, well you would. Because it IS what is happening and has been for a long time.
There are fines imposed by authorities that have no right to impose them.
There are fines imposed on evidence that is properly inadmissible
There are speed cameras full of faults.
There are speed cameras positioned and used where they are not lawfully positioned and used.
And it goes on and on………….
I’ve been getting emails for a long time now from an organisation called Aussiespeedingfines which you can and should check out for yourself.
Unfortunately they look like a bit like a money raising organisation rather than a pure public spirited organisation, such as a charity, devoted wholly to helping you.
They look to people as suspicious as I am to be perhaps more interested in looking after themselves than me and having found a handy little hobby horse way of doing it.
So I have never ‘joined’ them or bought their ebook.
But I have been with them for so long now and followed so many of their links and read so many of the articles they’ve directed me to, and seen so much supporting evidence on tv and heard it on radio and experienced it myself that I’m now totally convinced that they are bone fide and should be treated as such.
And we’d all benefit by joining them, getting and reading their ebook, learning, benefiting from their advice and signing their petitions, helping their movement.
Which is a movement for justice. Justice for the motorist, justice for the public. Proper behaviour on behalf of authorities. Which itself is justice for the public.
What I’ll do here is just list the links they sent me in their last email and you can follow a couple and see what you think. What they essentially do it point to numerous flaws and illegalities in the traffic fining system, illogicalities and improprieties.
Here’s a few, complete with a bit of the surrounding text from their email:
because many motorists there still do not have our information – http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/news/nsw-act/nsw-motorists-hit-for-1-billion/story-e6freuzi-1225937846195
The biggest problem with this article is that they fail to mention that local councils have no lawful authority to issue parking fines at all – again, information that is detailed in our e-book and can be confirmed via the letter from the Attorney General’s Office that is on our News/Updates page – http://www.aussiespeedingfines.com/pages/News%7B47%7DUpdates.html – and About Parking Fines –http://www.aussiespeedingfines.com/pages/About-Parking-Fines.html – page.
The next article details how motorists in Queensland are being screwed over by unjust and unlawful fines –http://www.couriermail.com.au/news/queensland/new-fixed-camera-on-pacific-motorway-at-the-gold-coast-could-reap-250k-a-day-in-fines/story-e6freoof-1225939577403
speed cameras do not save lives, all they do is raise revenue! The following article from Sydney even has a lawyer confirming this fact – http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/news/nsw-act/rta-faces-check-on-raising-of-revenue/story-e6freuzi-1225941414719
And, if you feel that way too, then we would urge you to go to our on-line petition page –http://www.aussiespeedingfines.com/pages/Petition-To-Remove-Cameras.html
And finally, we have an article from Victoria – the state which has the lowest speed tolerances in the country, has had the highest number of faulty cameras and steals the most amount of money each year from its motorists. This article details yet more faults with the Victorian speed camera program – http://bigpondnews.com/articles/National-Regional/2010/10/18/Fault_forces_speed_camera_shutdown_527386.html
Okay, that’s it. Back to me. All of that was courtesy of:
The Team at Aussie Speeding Fines
And I suggest you take a look at some of it.
Because we need some sanity back in this country and a good place to start would be with putting justice back on the roads and getting our coppers back as policemen to protect us rather than as highwaymen to prey on us.