Julia Gillard and Dignity and Purpose

Heard with interest, this morning, about Julia Gillard’s recent speech.

I think it beautifully demonstrates the way the Labour Party has lost its way. ‘Dignified and purposeful’ she said, right?

Mate, the only purpose is to get enough money to live, to work, to live, to work…

My wife works for $20/hr in freezing cold – stood down for hours on end without pay at the whim of the employer, conditions eroded by ‘workplace agreements’ the workforce (mainly 457 visa holders) are frightened to object to.

We work to pay off a house so worthless that the South Australian Housing Trust demolishes them by turning them into matchwood rather than use them or recover any value from them. i.e. we pay for the land – evidence of our total lack of ‘right to live’ in our society – in distinction to the aboriginal hereditary right to live, but that’s another question, isn’t it?

The Greens Julia mocks offer purpose beyond this slavery. And having purpose gives dignity. Gillard is unaware of this and unaware of the lack of dignity in my wife’s slavery.

No matter how far fetched, how perhaps irrational, the Green’s basic attitude is a declaration of purpose – to build a better world.

We need work, says Gillard. That’s her dignity and purpose – a place on the rowing bench for the galley slaves.Tony Abbott echoes the sentiment, saying that unemployed must be forced to accept these jobs.

The highest vision for the future either party can offer is coercion and slavery. No high ideals. No visions of a better future.

No carrots to chase after, no ‘vision splendid’, just authoritarian edicts and a future of endless toil while the gap between rich and poor widens inexorably…

Push the people. Tell the people what to do. Spell it out for them. Make ‘jobs’ for them.It is not just the labour party has lost its way. It is both major parties. And it is the nation as a whole.

And it is the Western World as a whole. We are blinded to our own predicament. Rolling round the world causing death, injury, poverty, destruction everywhere we go, we ourselves deeply in debt and without clear understanding or control of our own systems, we blindly toil away like demented grubs in a white ants nest, building we know not what for no reason other than to survive.

Yep. She said a mouthful did Julia, right there, and Abbott endorsed it. Enough said. That’s enough. Bring back Waltzing Matilda and let’s jump in the billabong rather than be caught by this any longer.



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