What Is Needed?

I’m a bit incoherent here, have been, still am.  I started doing this because of a charge of indignation I got about the way my child was being treated at school and the way the Department of Education responded to an earlier call for assistance.

All I wanted to do at first was tell the world what ‘they’ were doing to my children.  Shout it out. Express my indignation.

Then as I put some thought into it I saw more of what they were doing.

‘They’ being that school in particular and by inference and association the whole education system at large. For I don’t suppose this school is unique in its attitudes, methods, interface with parents and public.

More and more I saw more and more that was wrong.

There’s apparently an incredible attitude on the part of the schools, their administrators, apparently even their teachers, that they are answerable to no one but themselves.  It seems to even extend to the Department pending further advice.

So I thought about it and realised that in truth they’ve ‘lost the plot’.

They have lost the plot because we have lost the plot.

The whole nation has lost the plot.  The whole western world.

And it is manifested in the schools.

We send our children to school to ‘educate’ them.  To ‘fit them for life’.

That’s what we say.

But what are we really doing?

Half the time we’re sending them to school to get rid of them.  The job of looking after children is purely terrible, awful, shocking, disastrous.  So schools are just glorified, disguised, in-secret child minding centres.

Why are children such a hassle? Because of our western way of life, because of our culture, our society, our world, what we’ve built.

And yet that’s what we say we are ‘fitting them’ for.

And when we are not just getting rid of them for the day we are hoping they’ll get a ‘good education’.

Well what does that mean?  It means an education that will fit them to get a good job.  Doesn’t it? Who will argue with that? No one. I’ll b et. No one reading this will argue with that at this point.  Not one in a hundred. Who can see anything wrong with fitting your children to ‘get a good job’ ?  No one.

And there’s the problem.

Someone who can get a good job is just – no matter how glorified – just another worker ant,  a slave,  just another termite in the mound.

Sure, we’ve got to do it – we’ve all got to work,  slave away from cradle to grave…… but is that all?

And the price is to have a world, a life, where we can’t put up with our own children? Where we are happy to be parted from them all day?  Or:  ho ho ho, I hear you protesting mightily – ‘oh, no,  not me, I’d love to have my children with me all the time…’  Well, sure, I don’t doubt you. More power to your elbow.  You’re an inspiration to us all. But in your case, then, isn’t it fairly horrible to be in a world where you have to be parted from your children from the earliest age – just so’s you can earn the wherewithal to survive?

And with this we breed children, indocrinate, programme, brain wash, children to be the same as ourselves.

Yes, there’s something wrong. It is easy to see once you look.

This is not a society devoted to life, it is a society devoted to economic slavery.

Our political parties are without inspiration. They are virtually identical. Arguing over what’s the best way to handle the money. That’s all they can think of to talk about. We are sick of them, bored with them, cynical about them…..

They’ve got no inspiration because they are frightened of the necessary next step, the inspiring step that is required:  a complete makeover of the whole thing, a whole new paradigm (to use a trendy new word) – a whole new way of thinking for the whole nation.

Is it even possible?  Because most people won’t even think about a thing if they think it is impossible.  And I reckon 90% would laugh this idea out of court.

But listen, there is a place in the world – is it Bhutan? – where the government measures the nation’s ‘happiness index’.

And that’s fairly outlandish, isn’t it?

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