Category Archives: War

New Way To Live

Some time ago I surmised we need a new way to live. I don’t have one. I don’t know. What I do know is that part of it would be the idea of taking individual responsibility far, far more than … Continue reading

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Army Of Muslim Clerics

  We are sending soldiers to Afghanistan to do what a soldier cannot do. There’s about 30 million Afghanis and 99% of them are Muslim.  See this Wikipedia page:  Afghanistan That is: 30 million people are captured by a religion. … Continue reading

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Islamic Jihadist Bombing – Truth?

It was well said that in Indonesia the clerics don’t seem to be doing enough about condemning Islamic extremists. (Saturday Extra, Radio National, 7th May). Absolutely no one is, anywhere in the world. For instance there’s a simple question needs … Continue reading

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Killing Ourselves Again

Now North Korea and South Korea are at it again.  Looks to us very much like North Korea is at fault…. but of course, they deny that. And how blameless are ‘we’  ( I mean South Korea and us, the … Continue reading

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