Instant Roofing

Here I am..  20 years out of date, apparently……..

Go downtown the other day where they’re building a new shopping centre for us (? for ‘them’, really, of course) – a ‘mall’ – an enormous building.

See lots of new techniques – the walls are all giant prefabricated concrete slabs – five or six metres tall at a guess, maybe twice that, I don’t know.  Trucked in, craned up, job done, instant wall.

Roof steelwork put up by one man in a ‘cherry picker’ crane thing. He drives that around with his feet or telepathy or something while with his hands he puts the bolts in and nuts on to fasten the steel girders together and to the steel columns.

All the steel lifted by one other man in a mobile crane of his own.

No gang of steelmen crawling all over the construction, no hammering and banging, no singing, talking, calling out, chi-acking, wolf whistles…..   quiet, methodical construction by only two men of a giant building all precisely built according to plan..

But I didn’t see this until the other day:  a big truck standing inside the mesh fence with what appeared to  be a large roll of silver – paper? – on the bed slowly turning and feeding back to the end of the truck.

But the truck bed wasn’t a flat empty space.. it was all covered in a long,  low,  large box with dials and gauges, knobs and whistles and which seemed to be some kind of machine in itself.

I got the kids and we went to see what this was.  I figured it was roof insulation perhaps, long sheets  of roof insulation being dragged off the reel.

What did we find?  It was steel.  Or aluminium.  On the reel. Being fed into the long, low, machine.  And in that machine it was rolled into a profile to make a sheet of roofing iron.  And it was fed out of the back of the machine and stacked on one sheet on top of the other and 40 metres long!  40 metres !  40 metres of roof iron created there on the spot, sheet after sheet after sheet…. stacked and ready to go.

You couldn’t truck it in. How could you truck in 40 metre lengths?

The man working there told me he’d been doing it for 20 years.  This technology is already 20 years old!  I thought it was as new as tomorrow.

Why hadn’t I heard of it?  Because I don’t work in the building trade and because apart from that specialised field it has no news value. No one is interested.  In particular the journalists, the politicians and the pop music people have zilch interest in advances in building technology or any other kind of technology.

We are led – inasmuch as our environment is created by their attitudes, their interests, their decisions on what is important and what isn’t – by that unholy triad:  Journalists, Politicians, Pop people.  In no particular order. Expand the category from ‘pop music’ to ‘pop people’ to include all the ludicrous acting people that have this kind of sway, influence.

We are led by them.

They decide what is important.

They focus on money and tinsel and phoney glamour and pretence and hollow substance….

Our educators find themselves in that world – pulled more and more into that world since the fashion for universities to pay their own way and for schools to ‘perform’ .

So the educators echo the interests, preoccupations, supposed values of that triad. Become, educators FOR that triad.  Not educators for education.

And churn out incipient wage slaves.  Who, in the absence of work become by default dole-recipient slaves.  Which is a drone, or dumb slave-in-waiting or the default human being created by our system.

Isn’t it heartening, isn’t it cheering, isn’t it inspiring to find these technological advances all around us and apparently ever present,  going on all the time,  were going on 20 years ago, evidence of conscious, intelligent, articulate thought and work – things thought of, devised, designed, constructed, modified, tuned, developed, improved….

I don’t give a damn that we maybe don’t need another shopping mall devoted to trash magazines and women’s powder and paint…  we do need practical people who can do practical things and I eagerly seize upon any evidence that they exist…

I think once we all did.

I think in medieval times we looked with wonder at great buildings, great ships, great machines of war, whatever, because everyone was to some extent ( a large extent, then ) a practical person, a builder, a worker, a designer, a thinker-out of problems, etc…

Everyone appreciated what went into such things, they had the capacity to marvel because they understood the skills in essence and could relate to the level of expertise reached in the manifestation of these skills.

But now where are we?  The drones, we the drones, know nothing of engineering, of design, of theory, of electronics, not even of electrics, not even elementary physics, nothing, in the main we know nothing because we do nothing….

We watch movies, we listen to pop music, we read the newspapers and listen to the drivel of the politicians and we work at our ludicrous jobs which are not jobs anyone would choose as life experience, life enhancing jobs but which are chosen, when we are lucky enough to be able to choose, as being those that offer the greatest amount of money…..  jobs that are simply there to bring in the money to pay the rent that we have to pay for our life-space, for the time-space event that is our life.

Without primitive man’s ‘equal right to life, space, home’ we are all without any right to life, space, home and must pay for it…. if we want it we must pay for it… and somehow we’ve accepted this – conned by our own greed most likely – and now it is all we have left… the paying, the working to pay and the paying… there’s no life left…

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Quick Cure Concrete

They’re pouring concrete not far from where I live. New shopping centre to blight our lives.  Pouring slabs bigger than a football field. You can see them pouring wet concrete from a pipe at this end while in the background, on the same slab, they’re walking over it and operating a ‘helicopter’ which is finishing the surface.

An 8 inch slab at least and it is cured to walking strength within 2 hours.   Incredible.  Cured right through.  Old timer was telling me it used to be 12 hours for every inch.  That slab wouldn’t have been cured for days.  Now it is ready in 2 hours.

What’s that? That’s technology and science.  That’s serious, sensible, intelligent people figuring, calculating, trying, experimenting, carefully doing…

It is heartening that in this world where there’s so much insane greed, so much insane violence, so much injustice and downright stupidity these oasis’ of sanity and reason exist and practical work proceeds and develops…

These are the progressions that should be lauded and held up to the people and the kids as exemplary.  The progressions of knowledge and practical science.

But in fact it/they are almost totally ignored by mainstream media and general interest. Totally. A flash of interest when something really new is brought to market,  maybe, but probably not even that.

Sad, that, on the one side, but good, that, on the other – that it is being done, that they do exist, the sensible, intelligent people who develop these technologies and sciences….

In the lousy insane hubbub of the clamorous, greedy world we sometimes, oft-times, forget that, right?

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One child sees the other child is awake but still in bed reading so he goes to join him perhaps touches him, gets rejected… whatever… starts loudly protesting about the actions of the other one.
Then the other one gets up and maintains it is all the fault of the first one. Each one complaining the other one is hurting, attacking, trouble making.
Get out of the bed entirely I say so that mum can sleep.

NO they say.  And start in with a whine….

Right there is when I begin to lose it…

Intractable problem.  Not amenable to common sense solution.
Refusal to cooperate.
So two questions:

1.  How to fix the problem

2.  Why does it affect me so much?

I feel like it is a normal, decent, even beautiful, wonderful, excellent world suddenly gone hostile and insane. Without warning, without reason.  It is the utter madness of a child’s world of selfishness, irrationality…
Like a bucket of dirty cold water suddenly poured on the sunlight of your life…

There is no apparent solution…  the children need seperating… being hostile, intractable and uncooperative they won’t stay seperate…  they’ll protest mightily at being seperated, each
claiming it wasn’t them and in the doing they’ll accomplish what you’ve been trying to prevent:

Waking their mother.

They’ve already accomplished a destruction of your own chain of thought and actions…  Stopped you in  your tracks. Taken over your life..

Now any attempt to deal with the problem that you can think of will make things, in the short run, worse, immediately…

This is the constant child threat: to bring noisy insanity into the situation at any time..

And maybe that’s why it affects me so much.  Brings a wild anger up in me immediately.

That’s a primitive reaction that in a primitive world would be sufficient to solve the problem – because a display of anger would drive them away… And ‘away’ is all we need.  I wouldn’t even need the display of anger I’d only need to quietly and swiftly walk up to them and pick them up and throw them away….
In a bush setting it would work.  In a cave… throw them out of the cave…

But here in this setting it won’t work….

But that’s maybe the dynamics, the reason, why it affects me so much.

Now what’s the solution?  In this case mother has solved it by waking up and taking over..

In other words the children won.  They controlled the situation. They got what they wanted. They defied their father.  They woke their mother.  The organised the world to suit themselves.

But if that were not to happen – what? how?

To take one child away would probably work. Inasmuch as anything ‘works’.  i.e. if might be a noisy fight and chase to get that child out of the bedroom – by which time mum is awakened
That one child is going to fiercely proclaim that it is not his fault.

To take two children away would have the same result with the other child this time loudly proclaiming it is not his fault… he was there minding his own business…

In fact you can rarely know who’s ‘fault’ it is.  The first child may well have been minding his own business but upon the appearance of the second child, looking to participate and maybe find a playmate, it is the work of but a moment to manifest rejection, hostility, to lash out with a foot, to slap down an extended hand…

Which is what the second child is essentially claiming happened…
But they are both inveterate liars, of course…
And they are ultimately both at fault for neither will help mitigate the situation, each will happily help to increase the drama, the noise level, the unreasonableness – the chaotic,
cacophonic insanity….
So a Solomaic ascertaining of guilty parties is redundant, futile, academic, pointless.

Your dealings with children have to cope with dynamics operating on a much rawer level – a pre-justice level, the level of ‘might is right’, the level of naked aggression, total commitment
to one’s own ends, total abdication of any consideration for anyone or anything else…
This impossibility to solve the problem is very, very common.

You are frequently forced into a situation like a general committing his troops to hand to hand combat, or less colourfully perhaps, a cook making an omelette:  you will have to break some eggs, you will have to accept some casualties.

Harm minimisation is what you go for. Cut your losses.

The solution: I can only see one.  It is the one mentioned that I think would instinctively happen in a primitive setting.   To quietly and quickly walk into the  bedroom, trying to give no indication of what you’re up to, and then quickly seize both of the children and drag them out of there and take them to the furthest room you can….
There’ll be screams and scuffles and they may even escape your clutches. They may well wake mother anyway and she may misinterpret what she sees and wake angrily, demanding you leave the children alone…
It all may go to hell in a handcart…

But that’s where living with kids is……..   get used to it

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Check The Glee

In this litany of gloom that is a perusal of the state of the world today I can only find one area of light: Glee.  The American series about a High School Glee Club.

I’m talking about viewing the world via magazines – topical, serious – and the web.  Every page on the web, every page in these magazines is depressing. Everywhere the same bastardry. The same inexorable (apparently) march downwards.

The same erosion of civil liberties going unchallenged.

The same endless uncovering of ineptitude and total corruption amongst the ‘leaders’ and owners of the world.

One web page, one web view, opens into a world of something like lightness, beauty, happiness – for me anyway, on the web surfing I do – and that’s Glee.

Not every song. Not every routine. But some of the songs just blow me away with their power and beauty.  Some of the routines I find exhilarating and even awe-inspiring. ( I refuse to say ‘awesome’, much misused word).

The voice of that (supposedly) homosexual character.  The voice of that fat black woman – is it Mercedes?

The high comedy of the lines put into the mouth of Sue, the Cheerleaders boss.

It is nothing to do with the world. A fantasy high school dealing lightly with almost ridiculous situations.  Far removed from the real world.

But: it has as its essence the song and dance.

And it excels in them.

And right there it joins the essence of the world. Right there it is more pertinent than the United Nations.

Song and dance is the voice and the action of the people when they are lucky enough to have the time, the freedom, the heart to do it.

How lamentable our present state. No one can sing or dance unless they have megawatts of electricity and electronics behind them.  And are full of strong drink.  And maybe even strong drugs.

Wage slaves, deluded masses, ignorant masses… stripped of everything, deluded into thinking they are making progress down this road of ‘materialistic’ wealth when even by that measure they are losing ground…

But that measure itself is a cheat, a lie, a wrongness.

The measure of human progress should more properly be something like that: how much song and dance in the community?

Glee is break in the clouds.  A clear look through all the trash and dirt, the smokescreen that blinds us, to the shining essence of what could be:  people singing and dancing with ability and heart and love….

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The Truth About Children

Hummm… when is the Truth About Children ever going to be told?

I realise it is difficult. They are so terrible, so awful, so totally destructive that one cannot remember what they’ve done to you when you finally reach the end of the day – if you ever do.  Or reach a small hiatus where you can draw a breath and attempt to collect your shattered self together a  bit.

You know you’ve been through hell. You know you’re living in hell. But you can’t find the words to describe it. You can’t even remember what it was all about, why it was hell, what exactly happened that was so hellish.

You’re a shattered, destroyed, husk……

Your kids did it to you…..

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Costs $10 Million to Lend $2.7 Million

Check this out

It is a story about the Northern Territory Government here in Aus.  Here’s the first two paras:

A federal government program aimed at helping indigenous Australians buy their own home used up nearly $10 million in administrative costs to provide $2.7 million for just 15 loans, an audit report says.

As well, not one of 45 homes constructed at a cost of $25.5 million in the Northern Territory for the program had been sold to the indigenous community.

Read it for yourself.

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Isn’t it wonderful how all the evils exposed by Wikileaks fail to attract any political attention in their chorus of condemnation and even hardly any media attention? The story is the vendetta against Assange.  The story(ies) should be on the facts revealed by the leaked files.

But maybe we’re numb.  Or maybe there’s a hidden volcano going to explode one day. I really don’t know.

I know there’s enough happened and happening that we could well be  numb.  The World’s leaders have shown that they don’t/can’t lead – with nations everywhere bankrupt – and that they’re conscienceless about it – with the same money managers, the same advisers, the same policies and structures in place everywhere and billions – yes, billions – being paid out in bonuses to those people who nearly destroyed us all.

And it turns out we can’t rely on the scientists because the global warming thing remains unproven as a question of caused by humanity and rectifiable by humanity at least to some extent. Nothing clear about that at all.

Then the forcible implementation of carbon tax methods are clearly going to cost us all – ‘us’, not ‘them’.

Then it is clear finally, as stated in passing on Radio National ‘Australia Talks’ today, I think, that costs of living, costs of housing and so on are larger than they’ve ever been…. both in absolute terms and as percentage of income..

while Australians are doing more work than ever before…

So where’s all our riches going? Why aren’t we wealthier?

Obviously it is being siphoned off somewhere. ‘We’ aren’t getting it, ‘they’ are.

And the power of the authorities multiplies exponentially ever since 911 – abrogation of human rights, imposition of imprisonment without trial, condoning of tortures… on and on…

Our Prime Minister demonstrates her own nature beautifully by condemning out of hand Mr Assange and pronouncing a desire to impose on him an illegal punishment for his supposed transgression – which later turned out to be no transgression at all.

The nation has never had it so good – even if the workers are on a downslope – because we’re selling off the minerals harder and faster than ever before.  In fact it is nearly all sold off.  That’ll have to stop soon because it will be all done. What then, one wonders?  If the people don’t enjoy any benefits now when the cash is rolling in but instead experience falling standards, then what’s going to happen when the cash stops rolling in?

Somebody please say something good, tell us about a good thing somewhere, something excellent, marvellous, wonderfu, beautiful, uplifting, hopeful……

Because everything else looks like crap……..

Yuk. Sorry.

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Channel 7 news in Australia – Sydney police Taser a man three times, an unarmed man, in his own home, which they entered without a warrant.

And they’ve got the pictures, from the taser. Of the man being tasered in the back when already being held by someone and after, I think, being already tasered.

Then a Sydney Court heard that the man had been abusive – which he had, on the phone to police where he was trying to complain – and that he’d resisted arrest.

So the magistrate found in favour of the police,  accepted the tasering, and fined the man more than $3000.

A police spokesman on tv was shown saying it was heartening to see the police supported in their tasering actions (my words, something after that style).

It doesn’t need me to say anything, does it?

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Cyber War

Man on the radio this morning said this is pivotal time vis-a-vis the internet and I’d agree.

There’s a cyber war brewing or breaking out.  DOS attacks are taking place and have taken place on MasterCard and Paypal for their highhanded banditry on Julian Assange, the principal of Wikileaks.

This time is pivotal because it is probably the first time the unitary nature of the internet is truly demonstrated and the manner in which it represents the voice of the people – the voice of the teeming millions of planet earth.

See Marion Bride’ Portal for an expression of the nature of the net as it pertains to the voice of the world. Voice Of The World, we should say.

Now we see a worldwide action by authorities and governments to shut down the voice of the people in order to prevent the people proclaiming the truth.

The truth, largely, regarding the deceptions, deceits and trickeries practiced by their governments in the name of those people.

The trickeries, deceits and distortions that lead to wars and hatreds and killings and mutilations and impoverishing of people.

All is being revealed and those who are revealed hate it and are burning up the comms channels between themselves, scrambling to find any way to put a stop to it.

A hundred years behind the times.

Wikileaks – I heard this morning – has over 200 mirrors as of this morning.

A hundred years behind the times they fail to understand that kill Wikileaks, remove its funding, incarcerate its founder and the leaks remain – in more than 200 other places.

And those leaks can be promulgated by cellphone, computer, radio, tv, telephone and even, in the end, snailmail.

But they don’t think.  They are, of course, always 100 years behind the times. Why? Because they live in the past of aristocratic, hereditary privilege or  cruel, tyrannical overlordship won by conquest or despotism ( the origins of aristocracy and hereditary ‘kingship’) or that latest imposition on the suffering mass of humanity – economic overlordship, overlordship by means of ownership of everything.

So they rest on their laurels, they believe in the security granted to them by brute force, by threat of unemployment or persecution, carrying great cudgels and owning vast compliant policeforces they feel no need to think in order to protect their positions.

So they don’t think. And they don’t understand new technology and the never did understand people, the masses they stand over, ride on, profit from, subjugate and dominate.

They never understood them because, truly, how can you understand the masses of humanity?  They suffer so much in silence. They tolerate so much inhumanity inflicted upon them. They bear the inequities, contemplate untold wealth paraded before their eyes as they stand mutely in their rags before their hovels.  AND – most impossible of understanding – they inflict these burdens upon themselves at the whim of their masters.

The armies of thugs, police, special police, execution squads, murderous militia, genocidal soldiery, spies, torturers,  etc., etc…  are all drawn from the people. They ARE the people.

Virtually never does one of these ‘top dogs’ ever pull a trigger, ever kill a peasant, ever torture a prisoner or incarcerate the innocent or do anything evil at all, anything, not one single thing: bar have it all happen in order to further their own ends and preserve their own power.

So now they try to enforce silence in the only quaint old fashioned ways they know of.  Injust, illegal incarceration. Injust, illegal sequestration of funds. Persecution, in short, organised, systematic, corrupt, orchestrated, authoritarian persecution.

Why do they do all this?

To keep a secret.

What secret?

That they are keeping secrets by injust, illegal persecution of the innocent.

And that’s why this is pivotal time in the history of the people of the wordl.

Because, win or lose in their efforts and more especially if they ‘win’ – they reveal this is their nature.

Like a man publicly accused of being a killer, taking up a club to kill his accuser, reveals to the watching world he’s a killer.

They will, if they succeed somehow in stopping this wikileaks phenomenon – the revealing of this material by virtue of the desire and wishes of the people – they will stand there before the world bloody club in hand.

But what’s all the fuss about, in the first place?

What is this material?  What is so special about it?

Nothing. All is already know. Numerous book both overtly fictional and overtly documentary has spelled all this out before. The lies and deceits of our leaders. The conduct of nations. The motivations, the duplicities, the callous disregard for the populace, for justice, for reason, for right.

Anyone with half a brain has know for decades – well they’ve know for centuries, from well before Machiavelli, from the dawn of social organisation that the people are inevitably led by murderous, injust overlords concerned principally with feathering their own nests and preserving and increasing their own power.

It was ever thus.

So what’s the fuss?

Hah.  No fuss if they’d kept quiet.

But the overlords are so addicted to their own power and their own secrecy and are so offended by the presumption of the creatures beneath them that they react in horror and strike out when the facts are made public.

The emperor has no clothes.

Perish the thought. Or off with the head of anyone that says it.

Well they stand revealed as bereft of the clothing of righteousness and proper conduct.  And their actions in trying to stifle this comment, deny this observation, simply serve to reveal and highlight in bold the truth of the assertion.

They are on a hiding to nothing. Say nothing, do nothing and the truth rises like a lifted iceberg,  do what they are doing and the truth becomes even plainer.

The inert, slavish masses of the world are having their consciousness raised and mainly they’re having their consciousness of their own abilities raised.

Their voice, their will, their collective understanding, is being manifest.

A pivotal time.

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e=b[$PROP_length],f=[],g=0,h=goog.isString(b)?b[$PROP_split](“”):b,i=0;i<e;i++)if(i in h)f[g++]=c[$PROP_call](d,h[i],i,b);return f};goog.array.reduce=function(b,c,d,e){if(b[$PROP_reduce])return e?b[$PROP_reduce](goog.bind(c,e),d):b[$PROP_reduce](c,d);var f=d;goog.array[$PROP_forEach](b,function(g,h){f=c[$PROP_call](e,f,g,h,b)});return f};goog.array.reduceRight=function(b,c,d,e){if(b.reduceRight)return e?b.reduceRight(goog.bind(c,e),d):b.reduceRight(c,d);var f=d;goog.array.forEachRight(b,function(g,h){f=c[$PROP_call](e,f,g,h,b)});return f};SETPROP_some(goog.array,function(b,c,d){if(b[$PROP_some])return b[$PROP_some](c,d);if(Array[$PROP_some])return Array[$PROP_some](b,c,d);for(var e=b[$PROP_length],f=goog.isString(b)?b[$PROP_split](“”):b,g=0;g<e;g++)if(g in f&&c[$PROP_call](d,f[g],g,b))return true;return false});SETPROP_every(goog.array,function(b,c,d){if(b[$PROP_every])return b[$PROP_every](c,d);if(Array[$PROP_every])return Array[$PROP_every](b,c,d);for(var e=b[$PROP_length],f=goog.isString(b)?b[$PROP_split](“”):b,g=0;g<e;g++)if(g in f&&!c[$PROP_call](d,f[g],g,b))return false;return true});goog.array.find=function(b,c,d){var e=goog.array.findIndex(b,c,d);return e<0?null:goog.isString(b)?b[$PROP_charAt](e):b[e]};goog.array.findIndex=function(b,c,d){for(var e=b[$PROP_length],f=goog.isString(b)?b[$PROP_split](“”):b,g=0;g<e;g++)if(g in f&&c[$PROP_call](d,f[g],g,b))return g;return-1};goog.array.findRight=function(b,c,d){var e=goog.array.findIndexRight(b,c,d);return e<0?null:goog.isString(b)?b[$PROP_charAt](e):b[e]};goog.array.findIndexRight=function(b,c,d){for(var e=b[$PROP_length],f=goog.isString(b)?b[$PROP_split](“”):b,g=e-1;g>=0;g–)if(g in f&&c[$PROP_call](d,f[g],g,b))return g;return-1};SETPROP_contains(goog.array,function(b,c){if(b[$PROP_contains])return b[$PROP_contains](c);return goog.array[$PROP_indexOf](b,c)>-1});goog.array.isEmpty=function(b){return b[$PROP_length]==0};SETPROP_clear(goog.array,function(b){if(!goog.isArray(b))for(var c=b[$PROP_length]-1;c>=0;c–)delete b[c];SETPROP_length(b,0)});goog.array.insert=function(b,c){goog.array[$PROP_contains](b,c)||b[$PROP_push](c)};goog.array.insertAt=function(b,c,d){goog.array[$PROP_splice](b,d,0,c)};goog.array.insertArrayAt=function(b,c,d){goog.partial(goog.array[$PROP_splice],b,d,0)[$PROP_apply](null,c)};goog.array.insertBefore=function(b,c,d){var e;arguments[$PROP_length]==2||(e=goog.array[$PROP_indexOf](b,d))==-1?b[$PROP_push](c):goog.array.insertAt(b,c,e)};SETPROP_remove(goog.array,function(b,c){var d=goog.array[$PROP_indexOf](b,c),e;if(e=d!=-1)goog.array.removeAt(b,d);return e});goog.array.removeAt=function(b,c){return Array[$PROP_prototype][$PROP_splice][$PROP_call](b,c,1)[$PROP_length]==1};goog.array.removeIf=function(b,c,d){var e=goog.array.findIndex(b,c,d);if(e>=0)

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